Haley Korth was born on Monday, November 27th at 11:19 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz and was 20 inches. She is a cutie. She has "angel kisses" between her eyes like Kristin did, though not as bad. Sorry if I didn't call too many people Monday night, I had a few complications and wasn't doing so hot. I am better now...let's just say, pain medication would have been nice to have after the spinal wore off...So far, she is a good baby! The kids love her! Kristin calls her "baby Haley" constantly. Jake is smitten with her. I am surprised at how much he loves her and wants to hold her. He was only 18 months when Kristin was born, so it's fun to see him so sweet with her. Kyle likes her, for the most part, I guess for him, it's been there, done that...
This picture of the kids was the first time that they saw Haley. I was puking on the bed and Troy took the pictures(good job Troy!). Since I was in such bad shape, Delilas (LOVE HER) came and took the kids to spend the night at her house so that Troy could stay with me. She said that they all prayed in their prayers that I would stop puking...aw...how sweet!
This was during the c-section. A scheduled c-section sure is a lot different than an emergency one. I got my epidural right in the O.R. (which was cake!) and then it took quite awhile for them to actually take Haley out. At one point in during the surgery, Troy looked over the curtain, and looked at me and said, I better sit down. Guess it got to him this time.
I took these pictures of each kid with Haley. I was trying to capture the look each kids face, instead of making sure it was a good picture of Haley. I love these pictures! It truly is how the kids feel!
Anyways, I'm home now...in pain...wanting to sleep! Goodnight!