Thursday, June 22, 2006

June 22, 2006

Hello All.
Today we entered the great world of IKEA. It was my first experience! Of course, I LOVED IT! Troy was really happy that we couldn't buy anything to send back to Utah! Then I reminded him there is one being built in Bluffdale. YEA! Oh yeah, and they have catalogs! Sorry Troy! We move into our place tomorrow! THANK HEAVENS! I will be so excited to not be living out of suit cases. We have been in suitcases since we left our home in Oregon, which is coming on 3 weeks now! AND, I'm starting to need maternity clothes which are packed up in the boxes we brought, which I will be able to unpack tomorrow! We have done no site-seeing! But, we don't know what we would do without mapquest! More when we're settled!