Sunday, February 12, 2006

February 10th, 2006

Hello. Sorry it's been such a long time since the last post. I went to Las Vegas for a CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) convention. It was insane. Fun, huge and overwhelming. We were invited to a VIP party for Making Memories. Erin and I doubled our inventory(at least). Our website should be re-vamped in the next few days. There should be a link to it on this blog somewhere. Refer any scrapbookers you know. :) Troy did okay with the kids while I was gone. That's good for me! I missed them and was happy to be home, but it was nice to get away for a bit. I think it makes us all appreciate what we have!

I have one week left of Troy being home. He is heading to Dallas for work for 3 weeks! He better live it up and go out for good dinners on Intel! I am thinking about cruising down to my folks house for awhile, but I'm worried about all the work I will have to come home to, and no Troy to help me with the kids while I have to work. If anyone would like to visit me, I would LOVE it! :)

Kyle is doing good. He detests school work. His teacher called and told us his fine motor skills need fine tuning. We try with that kid, but he hates coloring and writing! Any ideas?

Jake is loving preschool. I think he loves having something that is his. He doesn't have to share, and it's his preschool. We can't drive by without Kristin hollering, "that Jakey's preschool".

Yep, Kristin is a talker. She will talk your ear off. She also likes to sing. Last Sunday she was holding a hymn book during the closing hymn belting out a tune...we didn't know what she was singing, but it was sure cute! She's bossy too, but so dang cute! Gotta love girls! Can you believe she's almost 2? Crazy.

Well, that's all that's happening here with us. More later...