Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lucas comes to visit.

Mike and his family came to visit this summer. The kids were so excited to play with Lucas, and meet their new cousin, Matias. We spent a day at Papa & Grammy's playing in the hot tub, on the slip and slide, and Maria and I spent an hour filling up water balloons that lasted no more than 5 minutes. The kids had fun just playing. It was so fun. In these photos - you can see Michael, being what we like to call - Uncle Howard. Ask anyone - way worse than Uncle Buck! We also went to Wheeler Farm to see the animals. It was so hot we had to get popsicles. We even managed smores and fireworks and the highlight - glow sticks. Pretty sure Lucas ate more sugar this 2 days than he has his whole life! Before they left - we tried to get a photo of all the grandkids for my mom. As you can see - nobody wantd to cooperate! We had so much fun while they were here. We wish they could move here!