Monday, May 21, 2007


Wow! It sure seems like lots of posts are about Haley...anyways, here's an update...She is still not gaining much weight. She now weighs 10 1/2 lbs and will be 6 months on Sunday. We are talking to different doctors and trying new things. Her vomiting has gotten a lot better, but now she is having severe diahrea (however you spell it - not a word I spell often). I would take puking anyday! The doctor is trying to get us a sample of a different formula (neocate?). He said it is REALLY expensive, so he wants to get us a sample, in case it doesn't work. I told him that we're already paying for the alimentum(monthly cost: $250), so how bad can it be? He said this new stuff makes alimentum look like it came from a thrift store...yippee...So, we'll see. We go in Wednesday, so hopefully we'll find out more details. We are headed to Disneyland on Sunday and then to Santa Cruz/Monterey for Mike's wedding, so I really hope I feel good about taking her away from her doctors for a few weeks. She is definately my baby and she's spoiled - mostly for obvious reasons, but I got her a new excersaucer/bouncer the other day. I can't wait to take it out and put it on the patio while we are playing out there! (Oh, speaking of our backyard, the sod is in! I just need to take an after picture now! I'm so excited! I love my backyard...the sentence said most here in the past few days is..."Let's go look at our grass". Thanks to ALL who helped! We got sprinklers and Sod layed in less than a week! Yep, I am a slave driver!) Anyways, enough about the yard, here is my precious Haley in her new toy!


Pricilla said...

Good luck with the new formula. I know what it is like to have an expensive kid but I just try not to think about it. I am amazed at how huge your yard is. so where are the after pics?

aromano said...

If you need samples of Neocate just have your dr.'s office contact Neocate directly at 1-800-Neocate and they will send you samples.

laura said...

She is so stinking cute. I hope that new formula works- actually, I hope they find something else that works that's not so expensive. Can insurance help with that?? I love the new saucer. I have been wanting that one for Blake, but I just can't justify buying it. Davin's hand me down will have to do.

Dori said...

I know nothing about this but have you seen someone who might know more about food allergies than a regular Doc? It makes me think of the Myers girl in Farmington ward...she had a terrible time when she was a baby and discovered she had a million food allergies and still does. I would think about calling Misty Myers. Just a thought.