Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Just wanted to update everyone on Haley. She got weighed again today. I have been dairy free since last Thursday, and have been strictly nursing since Friday. Since Friday, she has only gained 1 oz. BUT, she hasn't lost weight. The doc said it might take some time for the dairy to leave my system, so we're going to weigh her again on Friday, to see how things are going. Then we'll see if I need to start giving her formula as well as nursing...we'll see...I'll keep you posted.

Today was an INSANE day! I'm starting to think Utah is synonomous with Sick. Kyle's school called me cause he was sick - except, I was at the doctor with Haley, and they didn't call my cell phone, so from the messages on my home phone, Kyle sat in the office at school with a temp of 105 for TWO HOURS before I picked him up(Troy's mom finally got ahold of me). I don't think the school office ladies realized my cell phone was an out of state number. The dumb thing is, there are a ton of people listed in his file at school, who could have picked him up within 5 minutes, and all of them could have gotten ahold of me. I'm a little bit irritated that it took 2 hours for someone to get called to pick him up.

Although, it is my fault for letting him go to school in the first place. During the middle of the night, Kyle woke up and told Troy his ear hurt. Troy said he felt hot, gave him some motrin, and put him back to bed. He woke up and was fine. I told him he couldn't go to school, and that I was going to take him to the doctor. He said he was fine, and begged to go to school. I felt his head, he didn't have a fever, and he told me his ear didn't hurt anymore. I figured it was a passing thing (which has happened in the past) and let him go. The first call from his teacher came 30 minutes after I dropped him off at school. So, after taking Haley in to the doctor in the morning, I took Kyle back in the afternoon. Turns out he has strep throat! Poor kid. He sure is a boob when he's sick though. Motrin is heaven though! I swear when he's on motrin, you would never know he's sick...the second it wears off...beware! Funny story...when the doctor was checking him out, he was asking Kyle what was wrong. Kyle told him that his ear, his head, and his throat hurt. The doctor was listening to his lungs and heart and asked if Kyle's stomach hurt. Kyle said yes. Then, the doctor asked if his legs hurt...Kyle pointed to his left leg, and said, "Yes, this one does" The doctor looked at me and said, "I think I better quit asking questions!" It was hilarious!

So, that was my day! Cherice let Jake come play with Daxton this afternoon, so we could try to keep him away from Kyle. That was awesome. I am fighting a cold myself, so I got a chance to lay down for a bit, which was so nice!

Kristin started going to a little play group today that she was invited to go to. It consits of 4-6 girls (some are moving) that will all be in the same grade when they start attending school. She loved it. My only problem is that the girls played with Barbie's. I know, I know, I played with them, but they're not my first toy or doll of choice(they rank right up there with Bratz dolls - who would buy their kids those? The name should be a big enough warning...), and Kristin is only 2. Kristin told me she had to put clothes on the Barbie's cause she could see their bum crack. Can't wait til she knows what cleavage is! So, I don't know how to deal with that. I want her to make friends, and go to a fun playgroup...but I don't know how to keep her away from Barbie's. I guess I can't keep her away from most things in life, I just have to teach her that a Barbie isn't anything to aspire to be like...wish me luck with that one!

Going off dairy isn't as hard as I thought it would be. It was hard the first few days, but after a trip to the grocery store, and major meal planning, and knowing that it's a matter of life and death for my child, it's pretty easy...I'm just not looking forward to 4 months down the road when I would love an ice cream cone...fyi...sherbet has dairy too! :( OH, I told Troy that I thought he should go off dairy too. He said not a chance! Rude...


Pricilla said...

I am so glad to hear that Haley is doing better. What a relief. I don't know how you do it all Jen. You are amazing.

Unknown said...

Barbies...we have the same problem. Arwen got some for her birthday (most of which I was able to give to girls from the giving tree) but she was excited and wanted me to open all of them. It's crazy! I did let her have Polly Pockets. I asked her the other day why she didn't play with them and she said, "I lost their pants and Heavenly Father doesn't like it when we are naked..."

Bethany said...

Wow! Doesn't like a whole lot of fun. Hope everything goes up hill from here. Good-luck!