Friday, November 16, 2007

Christmas Craft

Now, naturally, I have not had a chance to work on many Christmas Crafts yet. Although, I am thoroughly enjoying the Christmas Music 106.5 has had playing constantly since the day after Halloween. This will be the first year we get to be at home the WHOLE Christmas year we went to Hawaii, last year we moved, and the years before that, we traveled to visit family for Christmas. Most years we didn't even get a tree. Well, I can not wait for the season to be full blown! Troy put up our "BLUE" icicle lights last week! We are picking up our Christmas Tree hopefully the day after Thanksgiving. I have gradually been purchasing cute decor for the tree. Since, we've never really had one - I am in need of much! But not a lot of money can be spent...any ideas? The room where our tree will go, is empty, no furniture, so I'm trying to figure out how I can comfortably sit in that room in the dark with just the tree lights on after kids are in bed...hmmm...anyone with a comfy chair to give away? Erin just sent me a link to this blog (just happens to be Ali Edwards blog - scrapbook celebrity - we had our photo taken with a few months ago) where I came across CUTE IDEAS! Check it out if you like... I stole the picture from her site. SO CUTE! People are always asking me if they know of any cute Christmas idea to do for enrichment, or whatever. Well, I think this is awesome! You could do it for FHE! Kids could do it! It's a styrofoam cone with buttons being held on by simple push pins (the ones with the pearly looking ends). It would make such a cute centerpiece. I'm totally doing it! You could even paint the styrofoam green, and just put a few buttons on it too, not so overlapping like she did...anyways...just an idea...get your kids involved! They will love it! Until they realize they can stab each other with the pins - or that's how it will happen in my case! ENJOY! I would love any links and comments to cute, easy, cheap holiday decor...especially ones that kids can participate in that can still be cute enough to display! YEA! IT'S CHRISTMAS!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT Jen. I'm totally going to do it. I too have been listening to the Christmas music. Is there anything better?

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT Jen. I'm totally going to do it. I too have been listening to the Christmas music. Is there anything better?

Kristin said...

I can't believe you gave in to Christmas music already! I can't quite give in to that until the day after Thanksgiving...then it's FM100 all the way for all of December!

Unknown said...

Jen! I have enough stuff on my list of things to do right now! You make me feel guilty :) Those are so cute!!! Maybe next year...I don't even think Christmas cards are going to make on my list of things to get done...I'm such a procrastinator this year!