Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bridal Photos...

Last week, I took Donnarae's (Troy's sister) Bridal Photos. We made Jon get dressed up too, to take the majority of their wedding photos, so they wouldn't be pressed for time on the actual day. I'm sure we'll still take a ton on the day too, but it was nice taking their photos knowing that if I screwed up, I would get a second chance. Anyways, I just put all my favorite ones on my photography website if you want to check them out - under "I do". Here's a sneak peak! Thanks, Donnarae and Jon, for having faith in my photography skills!


Anonymous said...

Amazing as usual Jen!

Unknown said...

Looks great! Probably your won't get the extreme pleasure of taking engagement photos of my sis...she has rescheduled her wedding for Feb1 1st(yes, the weekend we are blessing Larkin) and is moving back to CO soon. Lucky for you!

Nurse Heidi said...

Fantastic pics : )!

Kristin said...

oh my gosh i love her dress...way good pics jen

Bethany said...

They'll be lucky to have such great pics to remember this special time. You're so awesome!