Friday, November 07, 2008

More "Mother of the Year" Moments

Well, I know most of you think I am the absolute top notch mom, who definitely deserves the Mother of the Year award. Here are a few more reasons I am a shoe-in for the nomination:

Today is Friday. The last day my kids are on-track (in school) until December 8. As I got Jake's homework folder ready to take back to school today (as the kids were already buckled in the car waiting for me) I noticed that THIS WEEK Jake was VIP kid. Yep. On Friday. No note home from the teacher the week before, nothing. Should have had poster there Monday. Friday is early day. Only 2 hours of school. No time to make a poster and rush it to school. As I slowly drove to school, feeling horrible, and wondering how I would explain this all to Jake, who really only interprets "CRAPPY MOM, DOESN'T CARE" (middle-child syndrome, completely), I just laid it on the line. The truth. He looked shocked, but I ASSURED him, I would speak with the teacher, and he would get another week. All his. To be a VIP. He said okay. I dropped him off. Wondering if I had wounded him. Then I got a BRILLIANT idea. His birthday is next week. This is the last day of school for awhile. In Utah, people bring treats for Birthdays. (Honestly, Kyle's birthday is in July, so I've never done it for him in any other state, so all state's may be the same on this) I RUSHED to Smith's, looking for a treat. I'm looking, looking. Halloween cookies. NOPE. Generic cupcakes, nope. Then, I came across a MARVELOUS site. IN the cake section, a bunch of cupcakes grouped and frosted to look like a big green dragon. Cost: $14.99. I bought it, took it to school, and got the BEST reward. He was so excited. Showing his classmates his "cool dragon cupcakes". It was a hit. Pretty sure he doesn't remember this should have been his VIP week.

Since I'd already screwed it up with 1 kid today, I decided - while I was there - to eat lunch with Kyle. He begs Troy or I at least once a week to come eat lunch with him. You would think a third grader would not want that. He doesn't care and I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. He told me the night before, that it was Orange Chicken day. Now, normally, orange chicken would be the LAST thing I would want to eat from a school cafeteria, but hey, I am trying not to screw up so much, and to care about stupid stuff a little less. We walked down the hall with his class. We got our orange chicken. I MADE him get a no-bake cookie. He tried it and LOVED it. He sat me down, all alone, and we just talked and ate. I told him I was proud of him. I know it's hard to be the oldest. He'll be happier when he's older, that he's learned to be more responsible, and a harder worker. Then, he was off to recess. Basketball is the sport right now. He ran off with his friends. AFTER yelling, I love you mom! Definitely worth it. Oh yeah, and the little girl who walked up to me and said, "Are you Kyle K's mom?" Yes. "Oh, you're pretty" was pretty nice too!

Tonight we went to Trent DuVal's viewing. He passed away on Tuesday. The second we walked into the funeral home, I couldn't hold it in. Troy and I took Kyle, and got a sitter for the other kids. As we were waiting in line, I was just sobbing. Honestly, I was just looking around at all the momentos they had set around. It could have been Kyle. He was Kyle's age. It just made me realize that I need to slow down and enjoy what is happening in my life. Whether it's a messy kitchen floor, or seeing the look on Jake's face seeing a $14.00 dragon cupcake, or whatever. We have no idea what life is going to hand us. Kyle so kindly looked around and announced I was the only one crying. Troy commented that I was pretty "leaky"(know what you're all thinking - typical Doug Korth comment, and I would bet money that he's said it to his own wife a time or two). The comment was NOT appreciated, and I'm pretty sure he'll never say it again. I wasn't crying because Trent died. I know his family was prepared to have him leave, I know he's not in pain anymore, and I know he is being loved and taken care of. I WAS crying because of all that I have. So grateful, that (so far) this hasn't been one of my trials in life. And resigned to do better, be a better mom, a better wife, a better person. And to have quite a bit less "Mother of the Year" moments.


Tycksen Family said...

I'm going to call you the Come back mom!! Way to turn a day around! You taught me a lesson of never giving up on a day, even if it starts out bad. Yeah, I have been there on those same days :(. You handled it beautifully. I had the same thoughts at the viewing...savor what I have. I am so grateful. Thanks for your words. Pat yourself on the back!!!

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

Aw man...this was cute to read. I need do re-read this post every day. Thanks for the reminders.

Anonymous said...

I needed this today Jen. Thank you so much for posting it.

Katie said...

Your kids are lucky yo have you! We really do have so much to be thankful for!

Nurse Heidi said...

Excellent post. You're a great mom (and pretty too - I agree with Kyle's classmate :)!) It IS all about the little things. I'd bet money that Jake will forever remember the time you came and brought dragon cupcakes to class, and Kyle will totally remember that you took 30 minutes out of your day to go eat nasty cafeteria food. It's the stuff memories are made of.