Thursday, March 19, 2009

Huntington Beach

We checked into our hotel room on Friday, and then headed straight for the beach. It was a nice day, and the kids were so excited. I was too. There's something so great about just hanging out at the beach. We didn't have to be anywhere, we just stayed as long as we wanted. I really wanted to get some good pictures at the beach...although I refused to see it as a photo shoot. There were no carefully planned out outfits, we just swimsuits and what we had on. I have to say, I am IN LOVE with these pictures! It's just us, being us. It was Haley's first time at the beach where she was walking. She danced around the sand. She didn't like it when her hands got sandy, so Troy had to be creative with how she washed her hands. We played in the ocean, walked on the pier, and ate at Ruby's Diner at the end of the pier where the kids were amazed with balloon swords and butterflies. Ah...can't wait to go to San Diego in October! Beware, there are tons of photos...but if I ever get around to doing a blog book, I want them all on here...


Memory said...

All I can say is that that looked fun, fun, fun! And I LOVE the pictures you got to prove it!

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

Love them all but my faves are 3, 9, 10, 11, and the one with Haley from the back sitting. VERY CUTE!

delilas said...

What a fun vacation and to have great vacation photos to prove it. Love the one of Troy.

Anonymous said...

Huntington Beach is my FAV! I'm so jealous. I have so many memories of that place...especially Ruby's. Isn't that place fun? I hope you made it across the street to the fun shops.
Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Huntington Beach is my FAV! I'm so jealous. I have so many memories of that place...especially Ruby's. Isn't that place fun? I hope you made it across the street to the fun shops.
Love the pictures!

Katie said...

Very cute, glad you all had a great time!

Trisha said...

Love the sand on the legs. Very cute.

Brosita said...

Jen you are sooooo good!
Looks like a fund day at the beach!

Bethany said...

Love them! I sure wish we were in the sun on a beach somewhere.