Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Poop Update...

The day just went. Haley successfully used her potty 3 times. She had 3 accidents. She's learning. I was thinking tonight, that I want to give up. I won't, but I'm pretty sure that - with all of my kids - after the first day, I wanted to give up. I know if I do, that will make it harder the next time...but I HATE POTTY TRAINING! I have gotten so much more patient than I was when Kyle was potty training - sorry bud...

Wish me luck tomorrow...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Any good news? I am dreading the fact that I have to potty train. I don't even know where to start. GO HALEY!

By the way that was me that deleted the last comment. Issues!

Jen said...

I actually saw it. I appreciate you spelling Haley's name right! Most people don't spell it right.