Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ughh! Gag me!

Okay, tonight was back to school night. We got there, and they had the gym set up like a fair for all the parents to learn about the different things they could be involved in. As I was going around, there was a booth about being a room mother. First of all, that is the LAST thing I would ever want to do, or be. I have no problems going in a few times a month, but room mother? NO THANKS! (Especially in Utah, where they seem to magnify every school activity by about a billion - you might as well be a teacher if you want to spend that much time at the school!) It's not like other places(where we've lived - anyways), where most of the parents work, and don't have time for a bunch of piddly crap. They just stick with the basics. (ie: In Virginia, I was the only mom to volunteer to help out EVER!) Anyways, there was a lady manning the booth, whose son is in Kyle's class. She said(said in a sickly sweet voice), "Now, don't feel bad or anything, but I'm already the room mother, but you could sign up to be a volunteer..." Oh, I wanted to puke all over her feet! FEEL BAD? ARE YOU KIDDING? IT'S ALL YOURS! It made me feel like I was in a really cheesy movie about Cheerleaders moms, or something. Oh well, I guess I learned something new...apparently being Room Mother is something to be proud about and defines you as a person! Dangit! I'm just never going to amount to anything, am I? Oh, I really liked Kyle's teacher. She seemed to try to really personalize learning for each student. We'll see how the year goes!
Disclaimer: I have nothing against room mothers! I am grateful for the service that they give to the schools, the classroom, and to my child. I feel like I need to quote Seinfeld: "Not that there's anything wrong with that..." I just have no time for an undertaking like that!


delilas said...

I have PTO Pres to put on my resume, so there. Will you still be my friend? lol. :D

Nurse Heidi said...

I'll amount to nothing along with you : ). I'm happy to volunteer in the classroom, but being in charge of entertaining all the hyper kids on a thanks. I'll help, but I hate running those kinds of activities.

Jen said...

Delilas, that explains everything! :)LOL! TEASING! (I never know if people catch my sarcasm through type)

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

You know me....I am totally with you. And the "cheerleading" description...perfect...I totally got it. That is hilarious!