Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter Review

Troy and I caught the 12:01a.m. showing of Harry Potter. First of all, it was a great night to "people watch". People are psycho! Showing up in all sorts of HP costumes, Hogwartz Uniforms, etc. The movie was pretty good, NEVER as good as the book...BUT, my biggest irritation of the night, is people's reaction once the movie was over... People came out crying because Sirius had died. DUH! If you would have read the book 4 years ago, you would have known that would happen! You can make it to a midnight showing of a movie, but you can't crack open a book...oh, what those people are missing! Also, a lot of people came out saying they didn't really understand what was happening most of the movie...well, that's what happens when you try to make a 600 page book into a 2 hour movie. Also, what does that say about society...what happened to reading...I partly wish they never made these least not yet...we won't let Kyle watch any of the movies until he's read the books. We read the first book together in the past few weeks. As we would drive around town, Troy would drive, and I would read, or vice versa. All of our kids enjoyed it, and it was better than watching a TV in the car, right? So, over the weekend we finished the book, and watched the movie to go along with it. Kyle liked it, but everytime we get in the car, he begs to read more Harry Potter. So, we'll continue reading...anyways...if you haven't read the books, READ THE BOOKS. The movie was okay...they definately left out TONS of things, and Troy and I don't like how they portray Dumbledore...(Did the director even read the book? That's questionable...) It is fun to see the book come to life...But, I will be standing in line at Midnight for the book and it will be MUCH more enjoyable...July 21...


Cheney Family said...

I have always thought that was funny that people don't read the books. I found the books to be much better than the movies too!

Unknown said...

This last movie was pretty good. I really liked it, but the books are much better.