Thursday, August 21, 2008


I should be in bed, or finishing packing for our weekend in sunny AZ, but I had to type out this little ditty...

I was working downstairs today, and Jake was watching something on TV. He hollered down the stairs, very matter-of-factly, "Mom, I want to grow a beard." It was a statement, not a question. I just found it hilarious. He sees Troy shave. Does he not know that is how you keep from getting a beard? If he thinks he can really grow one, what has prevented it from happening? So, beware...since faith can move mountains, Jake just may have a beard by the time we get back Sunday afternoon.


Nurse Heidi said...

Now THAT I want to see. World's youngest bearded man.

Have fun on your trip!

Anonymous said...

Ok that is hilarious.

You will have to tell me all about your trip and all your learnings with Maggie. So jealous!

The Hammonds said...

So funny! Don't kids come up with the craziest and funniest stuff? I love it!