Thursday, August 06, 2009

Back to School Shopping...

This is the first year, my girls and I have gone back to school clothes shopping. Kristin was so excited to hit the mall. She loves that place, but she usually goes with my mom. I'm usually content to stick with Target, and strip mall stores, so my mom takes my girls to the mall. (In fact, after I took them to the mall, my mom asked Kristin if she went to the mall without her...Kristin told her it was because I MADE them go without her - I think she was trying to spare Grammy's feelings) Gap was doing a 30% off EVERYTHING last weekend, so I went shopping. I love the Gap. Really, every year I LOVE finding cute outfits for my WHOLE family to get our yearly family picture taken in. I know, I'm crazy, but I love it. Here is a sample of what I selected... Now, after laying this out, I am going to make a few changes. I always choose my outfit last minute. So, there isn't an outfit in this photo for me. Troy's shirt, I will probably swap out for a brown solid button up. One set of stripes will do. I will probably wear a blue shirt, with a fun necklace and jeans...depending on where we do the picture, the puffy vest may have to go. We are going to San Diego for a week, and I'm hoping to do one there, if that's the case, we will be barefoot. Now that all of you think I'm crazy...dressing for a photo shoot is very important. I consider it part of the cost of family pictures. So - back to the mall....Kristin found a pair of sandals she LOVES. Haley found a pair of converse that she loves. WE had to pry them of her feet before church...
...the fashion show will have to wait. I have to hide Kristin's clothes, or she will have them dirty and lost before school starts in a few weeks. I had a ton of fun with my girls at the mall...I can't wait to keep up this if I just had an unlimited bank account...


Erin Fonnesbeck said...

The Converse picture... priceless.. love it.