Okay, school is the greatest invention ever! It is heaven to have Kyle gone everyday! Only because I know he is learning, getting out energy, and being social! He is loving it! His teacher called and asked if I would come in on the first day to help get through lunch...showing kids where to go, etc...(I'm sure they knew way more than me!). So, I'm going to tell you what I observed and about Kyle's school from my perspective. The school is absolutely enormous! There are at least six 1st grade classes with no more than 20 students a class. Trying to drop him off was a nightmare! There are 2 floors at this school, complete with elevator and everything. The school is less than 5 years old, so it has everything modern and new! He goes from 9:00 to 3:55. It is so much nicer than in Oregon, where we had to be there by 7:50! We get so much more done in the morning (Breakfast, scriptures, prayer, we ALL shower, etc...)! And, picking him up doesn't interupt naptime! Hot lunches are so much better than in Oregon too! It is healthy and not burnt! Except that it cost $2.50 per lunch! (Not that I didn't like Butternut Creek Elem in Oregon, I loved it, I'm just comparing!) The many different ethnicities amazes me! I just have never seen anything like this, and I have lived many places! (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, California, Oregon, and Las Vegas). Let me give you the run down on Kyle's class. There are 20 kids in his class. Kyle is 1 of 2 white kids, there are 2 Blacks, 2 Asians, and the rest were a mix between Eastern Indian and Mexican. (I had a hard time deciphering between the two, but my guess is there were more Eastern Indian.) I apologize if I am not completely politically correct with my descriptions, and I don't mean to be rude or off-color, I merely am describing Kyle's new school environment. Looking around the whole lunch room, the different ethnicities amazed me! White people were definately the minority. Well, other than the teachers, I would say 97% of the teachers were all white. I was the only white mom there helping with lunch, all the other mom's were Eastern Indian. I really love observing the other cultures! It was really interesting to see all the things kids brought to lunch. Most of the lunches, I could not tell you what the kids were eating. The thing I love most about this is it's totally normal to Kyle. Just going down 3 generations, you see what a change in society there has been! I mean in acceptance to other cultures. Hopefully it continues. Anyways, enough about that...I just thought it was interesting...On Kyle's first day it was POURING rain! (He thought it was another Hurricane Day) So, I didn't get any good pics of him. I did take pics of all the kids last Friday in their new school clothes, so here they are.
Kyle's backpack has a spot for a cell phone, so he thinks he needs either a cell phone or an ipod now. INSANE! Don't worry, for those of you who know me...NOT A CHANCE! (unless he colors one on paper, and sticks it in the slot! and Kyle's not a colorer)
Naturally, Jake had to pose in his own way! He was trying to do Karate moves, but I had to exlain to him he had to hold still, so this was what he came up with!
Sure, she looks sweet! But...remember the purple paint?
I took a ton of pics this morning. I made them into black and white's and am going to start over with my window frame! AUGHHH!!! I wish I had all my crafty stuff here! It's frustrating! Okay, photo tip. (I don't know why it took me so long to do this) For this picture, instead of making them pose, I decided I wanted them laughing. That's my favorite thing to hear them do, and I love the results. The smiles are real! Oh, and it's really easy to make them laugh! You just have to say "poop".

Okay, this picture is a little blurry, but it looks AWESOME in black and white! Plus, I love the look on Kristin's face! She loves "her boys".
What great kids and the purple paint is just a fun memory, now. We need to hang out, (so teenagerish). Talk to you soon. :Delilas
Cute pics! I love the kissing picture. Those boys are going to take good care of their little sisters. Making sure no boys get within a mile of those cute girls!
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