Friday, March 21, 2008

Engagement Shoots

I have done 2 engagment photo shoots in the past week. I LOVED them! I was totally worn out and exhausted by the time I was done, but it was so nice to get out of the studio and into nature! I really had so many favorites. I am just selecting my three favorites of each shoot for the blog. I have updated my website with an engagement gallery, if you would like to see more. AND, if you would like to see even more, send me a comment, and I can get you the password to their proofing galleries. Thanks Brooke and Cameron and Kelsie and Todd! You guys are awesome!


Unknown said...

Awesome! I really like the one on your web site of the first couple...with her hand in his back pocket. Cute! When are you coming here to visit and play and take our pictures huh?? We're ready for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the background in those pictures. I can't even find a place that looks that good outside right now. They turned out GREAT!

Nurse Heidi said...

Wow! Those are really fun! So different.

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

love em love em love em! wish we had places like that here in vegas.

Allisun said...

I want to se all of them! You are so talented!!

The Thomas Family said...

Wow, Jen you've got skills! Can I tell you had bed I wish I could hire you?! LOVE the pictures!