Friday, March 07, 2008

Haley's kidneys...

Haley went to Primary's this morning for some tests done to check her kidneys. I didn't put anything on the blog about it, cause I've been pretty worried, and I didn't want anybody commenting kidney horror stories. It was a rough morning for both of us. Troy had to work, and Heidi watched Jake and Kristin. I took her up there, and they did an ultrasound on her kidneys to check if they were normal. After this test, the radiologist told me all looked good. Then, she was sent to another testing room. This test consisted of putting a catheter in her, filling her bladder up with a liquid that acted as a dye, and then watching what the liquid in the bladder did - if it goes up into her kidneys (a kidney reflux) or is normal. (I don't know the results of the test yet, and won't for a few days - LOVE that they refuse to tell you anything while you're already there with questions in mind...)

Anyways, they put a catheter in her, then wrapped her legs up together, so she couldn't move. They had me hold her hands above her head, and then the xray machine took pictures of what the liquid was doing. It took awhile, for the liquid to enter her bladder, for them to take photos, and then more pictures while her bladder was emptying. She was laying there, and saw the huge xray machine coming down on her, and freaked out, thinking it was going to squish her. I felt so bad.

It was my job to hold her hands above her head. She was hysterical. It was hard to get the liquid to stay in her bladder, because she was screaming so hard, so they asked if I could do anything to console her. I put my mouth to her ear, and sang her "You Are My Sunshine". She immediately quieted down. As I was singing in her ear, I just started sobbing. That's the song that calmed her down when she was in the hospital at 4 weeks old, and during her tubes surgery, and all the other 'tests' and blood draws, and EVERYTHING that she's had to go through the past 15 months...all pretty much showing that she was fine. I just started to feel like I was this horrible mom who put her through all these tests for nothing. I hate that they make the mom hold their kids down. We both survived the test, and hopefully someone's kind enough to let us know of the results. If she does have kidney reflux, they will have her take low doses of antibiotics every day to ward off kidney infections and they say she would eventually grow out of it. Or, depending on the severity, there is a surgery to reattch a tube from the bladder to kidneys to put it in the correct place. I'm probably off on a few facts, but from what I've understood, that is the jist of it all.

So, I'll post something when I hear. After we got home, I caught Haley in her hiding place. It's under my desk in the kitchen. She gathers little treasures to play with. Her latest: a letter from Sister Melody Nelson, a pot holder, and a pen. SWEET! Maybe she'll write Melo back for me...I've been a slacker!Something cute Haley has been doing: When the other kids hop up into their chairs for a meal or a snack, Haley is usually the last to get put into her seat, because most of the time, I'm trying to get the meal on the table. Lately, Haley goes straight for the drawer with bibs in it, and tries to put a bib on, and then will crawl over to us. That's a sign that she's ready to eat! I love it that she figured that out!


Trisha said...

Hope everything turns out ok. Carlie had the same thing done, but I couldn't even be in the same room with her because I was pregnant. THAT was hard not to be with her during all of that. Anyways - everything was fine and I hope it all turns out well!

Memory said...

Okay, started bawling myself when I read this...the You Are My Sunshine part pushed me over the edge. :-) Haley is lucky to have you as a mom. I think you've always made the right decisions, even though the tests have been frustratingly fruitless. Hopefully things will change this time.

Nurse Heidi said...

: (. Oh Haley. Can't we just figure you out???

The Thomas Family said...

Poor poor baby. Seriously. That girl and you have been through a lot together. I'm interested to hear how her test comes back.

Congrats to Troy and your family! That's sooooo great about his promotion. I guess all the sacrifice can pay off. :)

Piano Mom said...

I'm sorry to hear that things have continued to be so hard for you and Haley. I'll keep you in my prayers!

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

That is going to be a song you will sing to her for a LONG time! I love that she hides under your desk and sucks her thumb. That is sooo cute.