Monday, December 15, 2008


Today really was a crappy day. It started at 12:01 am when Haley woke up every 30 minutes. Literally. She has been coughing and congested - with fevers off and on for the past few days. Never very high...but there just the same. So, I didn't go work out this morning - 5:45 am just didn't sound too good after being up most the night. I got Kyle out the door, got Kristin ready for ballet, and then got my work done, and called the doctor. They could get us in - at the exact moment Kristin was supposed to be at Ballet. I called my parents, and they met me at Ballet. My mom stayed with Kristin, and my dad took Jake to drop off some gifts at the Bishops Store for Christmas. The doctors office was as joyful as could be. Haley has had disgusting stuff in her ears for awhile - dried blood left over from her tubes a year ago - HARD wax - etc...the doc tried to get it all out - with MUCH wailing from Haley. The doc really thought it was asthma that was ailing Haley, so she wanted to give her a breathing treatment in the office, so she could hear her lungs before and after. Well...Haley wanted NOTHING to do with that. I spent all 10 minutes of the treatment trying to figure out how a 2 year old could be so squirmy and screaming and I didn't even have any other kids to worry about! The breathing treatment did the trick...looks like I'll be doing that at midnight tonight...On my way home, a volunteer that was to help in Jake's class that day, called and said she couldn't. I needed to fill in. UGH. I HATE being the room mother. I picked up the kids from my parents, ran home, got Jake chicken nuggets, and dropped him off at school. By this time, there was a HUGE snowstorm. Huge flakes, windy, yucky. I dropped the girls off at Heidi's, and went to the school to help in Jake's class. It's always frustrating to me, how I get there RIGHT on time, but it takes 15 minutes to get the kids doing what they're supposed to be doing. After that was done, I left. I picked up my girls, ran home, and then realized I needed to stop at the bank. Drop off a perscription, and get gas. So, I called Kenny and told him since I would be out, I would just pick the boys up from school. (It is still snowing at this point...) I ran my errands, picked up the boys, and dropped Daxton off. After dropping him off, I turned I normally do, and started SLIDING! The road hadn't been plowed, and I crashed into the curb. Hard. I'm surprised the air bags didn't inflate. So, I tried driving, and the car was going all crazy. I thought that maybe I popped my tire. No. I bent the rim all sorts of crazy. I called Kenny (since I was just down from his house). He came and checked it out, and we got my car and all the kids back to his house. I was there for 3 hours waiting for the tow truck, then once Troy got there, we had to take 2 trips home, cause we can't all fit in the car. I refused to drive Kenny and Cherice's car. I had just proven I was definitely a California driver. So...we'll find out tomorrow what the damages are...this sucks...I'm going to bed...


Unknown said...

That stinks! I did that same thing to my van when it was a month old...gotta love buying a new tire and rim!!

Good luck and tell Haley to get better!

The Thomas Family said...

Yuck. I'm sorry. I hate days like that. Isn't funny though (okay not really) how it all seems to happen in on the same day.
Poor Hayley (and you). I hope her asthma improves. :)

Piano Mom said...

Jen, I am so sorry that you had such a bad day! Hopefully things will get better!

Beth said...

What a stinky day! I have those every now and then and just think that I am going to quit everything (volunteer things, callings, workd, etc)and just stay home (I mean never leave my house except to get groceries). But then it usually gets better again.

Thanks for offering to help today. Right after we got off the phone we figured it out. BUT you were really sweet to offer help.

Thanks, Beth