Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Okay, Erin's hubby, Travis, showed me this cool website. I'm way slow, so I'm sure many of you are already using it. But, I have so many blogs to check, and I check more than once a day to see if they've been updated, so it was taking FOREVER to check all twenty-something blogs. If you go to spokeo.com, you can copy and paste blog addresses in your account. Then, it updates everytime someone updates their blog, and I can either read it through spokeo, or go to their actual blog so that I can comment. So, instead of checking the twenty-something blogs, I just go to spokeo and it shows me whose updated their blogs since I've checked last. Anyways, this has saved me SO MUCH time, for a person who seems to be running out of time almost daily. Thought I'd spread the news!


Nurse Heidi said...

Now THAT is a cool idea.