Thursday, April 10, 2008


I just remembered. The Office. It's on tonight! I can't wait! FINALLY! Tears of laughter will be shed this evening, it's pretty much guaranteed! Happy watching!


Unknown said...

Heck yes! I have been counting the days.

Unknown said...

Ha! I have welfare meeting tonight and have been deciding on how best to make sure I get out of it in time to be home!! I can't wait...

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

I had it marked on my calendar and missed it! TAXES!!!! Thank goodness for TIVO!!! What would be do without TIVO! I will never again live without it.

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

I was a bit disappointed in this episode. I was so excited and then it wasn't as great as I had hoped. Still a fan though... And I always say that if I wasn't married to Travis, I would be married to Steve Carrel. :) He is my favorite.