Okay, today I got this insane idea to take my kids to Butterfield Canyon, and check out photo shoot locations(taking the Owens family pics on Sunday - want to be prepared). By myself. Last minute, I decided to call my niece to see if she could help me. Good thing I did. The kids didn't really want to smile for her, but she sure helped with the kids, a ton! Anyways, it is painful trying to get my kids to smile. They only genuinely laugh or smile for Troy...duh...I need to wait for him to be around before I do this again. And, with my own kids, I just don't have patience. So, I tried to get them without posing, just having fun. Kristin and Jake are trying to kiss Kyle. I love the look on Haley's face too, like she's so irritated, she just can't take it!
Kyle's fake smile just kills me, and like I said, without Troy around, impossible for natural smiles...he's still cute though...even without his teeth!

Okay, I genuinely think Jake could be a model. He is so photogenic! He doesn't have the fake smile down, he just has fun, and I usually always get tons of good pics of him! I think he loves to get his picture taken too...silly boy!
Here's Kristin! She is such a girl and so difficult at times, but definately cute! In fact, if someone tells her, "Kristin, you sure are cute" she says, "I know". Hmmm...better talk about vanity with her one of these days!

Those are my kids! I sure love them! I hope one day they'll realize that's why I make them take so many pictures!
Those are your best yet and I can see people wanting to pay a lot of money for those. Your inexpensive sitting fees might need to be raised sometime soon. :) Very professional.
There is so much to say about these pictures! The top one is priceless. I love how real it is and Kyle's missing teeth and Haley's hysterical expression. Ha! To be the baby of four. :-) Kristin's eyes look stunning in her solo shot. You just keep getting better and better. When are you visiting Oregon?? I appreciate that you keep sharing these. You need to put together a website for your photography business now!
Memory, I have a deal for you. I will come take pictures of all my Farmington Ward friends in Oregon(free, of course), if you all chip in for a plane ticket and feed and house me while I'm there...I want to come visit so bad! I was going to come for Melody's wedding, but alas, she went on a mission instead...maybe in 2 years?
John's childhood was in Butterfield Canyon and this is where he wanted propose to me but I was being too silly so it happened at his house in Kearns. Anyway next summer that is where I want you to do our fotos. Book me now, August. I love your work. Hopefully we won't need to do any kid wrangling but maybe you know how young adults are. Oh I'm so excited for Haley, doubling her birth weight, good for her. :D
The first picture totally cracks me up!!
Fabulous. I have considered myself and okay photographer, but want to get better. Maybe some day I will buy one of those fancy cameras and take a class so I can be professional like you. I am taking some family pics for my sister's family this weekend and you are my inspiration. wish me luck.
Those are so great Jen! You're getting so good. I love the coloring. It just make their expressions pop. I'm so impressed Jen! You have some beautiful children!
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