Friday, October 12, 2007


Post stolen from Kenny and Cherice on the Korth Family Blog (it's private...sorry! ;)) Anyways, I had to post this...My type is the red, Cherice or Kenny (my bet is on Cherice) wrote the white type:

Kenny took Daxton and Kyle fishing tonight at the Herriman Cove Pond. The boys wanted to keep the fish alive, so they made Kenny put water in the cooler where they kept them. They would check on them and liked when they would flip around and splash them. The fish are now all cleaned and in the freezer. Kyle wouldn't hold his fish through the gills, but had to take them home to show his dad, (much to Jen's displeasure). I hate dogs, what on Earth would make you think I like fish? And, when Troy called tonight, and I told him about the fishing excursion and told him that we had fish in our freezer, he was just as displeased as I was. Troy and I are not fish eaters, fish catchers, or fish touchers. Maybe we'll have to have the Owens' cook them and make Kyle eat it.

When Jake heard that he missed a fishing trip, he was a bit distraught, so he called my dad and my dad has now promised to take him fishing. It's a good thing we moved here, so our kids could have a feel at outdoors-id-ness. THANKS KENNY! I have a feeling those fish are going to meet quite a few people until they mysteriously disappear one night! ;)


Nurse Heidi said...

I am with you 100% on the fish touching...yuck! If Alan wants fish, he has to go eat it somewhere else. I won't buy it, catch it, cook it or eat it.