Monday, October 15, 2007


Haley is having surgery on Wednesday. She is getting tubes put in her ears. Poor kid, can anything else be wrong with the girl? She also has nurse maid's elbow (thanks to Kristin). Nurse Maid's Elbow is when the forearm bones come out of joint, and a tendon gets in the way when they try to go back to how they are supposed to be. It's very painful. The doctor can just pop it back in, or if Haley moves it just the right way, it will pop back in. Kristin was sitting next to Haley in the car and yanked on her arm. I thought it was broken. I was up all night with Haley, trying to hold her and not move her arm. By morning, she had popped it back in herself. A few days later, Kristin did the same thing. Needless to say, Kristin has been banished. To the back seat. She goes around telling people she's been banished. I'm sure Troy and I have gotten some odd looks lately!
We went to Primary Children's Hospital today to meet with the ENT (ear nose throat doctor) about Haley's ears. He decided to put tubes in on Wednesday. Poor girl, she has just had ear infections non-stop since August. They weighed her, and with a wet diaper, and all her clothes on, she weighed almost 16 lbs! I am guessing she really weighs about 15 1/2! That's pretty good! Here she is falling asleep with Troy. The past week, she has a rough time falling asleep, so she lays with us on the couch. Don't worry, it's not going to become a habit, but the poor girl is sick! In our book, anything goes regarding sleep when they're sick.
After being at Primary's this morning, I have to say how grateful and blessed I feel for my family being in good health. We could all be dealt a much more difficult hand!


Unknown said...

Next time you are at your Dr's have him show you how to pop it back into's super simple...we found out after a trip to the ER---we thought Noah's arm was broken too! (the bad thing now is that it's easy to repeat until they are 5)
Poor Haley...hopefully the tubes will help a lot!

Nurse Heidi said...

Yay for tubes! Hopefully that will help A LOT with her unhappiness and reduce your waaaaaaaaay to frequent trips to the doctor.

Dori said...

My weakness is sick babies....sleeping...I could hold them all night! If there awake that's another story. She is so cute.

Pricilla said...

poor little thing! hope the surgery goes well. For me the wierdest thing was how out of it they are when they wake up.